Build Projects at The Generator

The Reno Generator offers dedicated build space year round for those needing temporary space to build out something big or small.
Build space is defined as a dedicated space rental to complete a specific project in a predetermined time frame.
Build projects can be anything from Burning Man art projects, personal trailer build-outs, any size art piece that needs rented square footage, art car fabrication, and everything in-between! Build projects have access to The Generators tools and equipment to bring their projects to life.

Submit your applications for 2024 or 2025.

As you might know, The Generator was facing some major construction that would have cut our facility by about 20,000 square feet—losing a huge portion of our events and build project space.
The permits were pulled by our building developers and we were planning how to operate in a smaller space. Fortunately, we managed to negotiate with the developers, and we get to keep our entire space. No hallway, no loss of space. This is great for all of us, but it does mean significant goals for The Generator to reach a level of sustainability!

This amazing change of keeping our entire space means more year round studio artists, more build projects, and more community engaging events.

Build Project Pricing:

Short Term Build Projects:
1 - 7 weeks
  $0.75 per sqft per week

Long Term Build Projects:
2 - 6 months
$2.00 per sqft per month

Build teams must have a number of full access memberships for their team leads based on the length and size of your project.

Every lead on your team is responsible to sign up for a personal membership in order to receive a badge and access to the building. These memberships include access to all shops once the lead has completed the appropriate safety and intro courses for approval to use big shop equipment.

Leads are held responsible for all crew members of the project. At least one of these leads are required to be onsite during any active work on the project. These leads also have the ability to safety check any new crew members after completing all required safety checks with staff.

  • 1-5 members require 1 lead minimum

  • 6-10 members require 2 leads minimum

  • 11-20 members require 3 leads minimum

  • 21-30 members require 4 leads minimum …etc.

Basic memberships: $20.00 monthly. Fabrication memberships: $80.00 monthly.

*Only crew members with an active paid membership may use the facility for personal projects. All other crew must only use the facility for work on the build space project.

Ready to start building?

Fill out our 2024 build space application to get started on your journey of making a build project at The Reno Generator!

Please read over our full build space policy and procedures before submitting an application.

Want to get involved but don’t have a build project in process?
Check out our membership page for standard membership options!